Saturday, February 25, 2017

Logistics Issue

Today was the first time we had a bit of a 'logistics issue' with dosing.  Kyzer normally takes his dose around 9:15 am.  This morning, though, we had to be out the door at 8:20 am because his brother had evaluations for soccer at 9:00 am.  Then right after the evaluations we had to rush to his brother's 10:00 am basketball game.

Tom, my hubby, stayed home to sleep because he drove for Uber until 3:00 am.  He was just going to walk over to the basketball game since it's close to our house.  (We are a one-car family).  I thought about leaving Kyzer at home with him, but then I was worried about his dad actually waking up to give him the dose.  Then I also worried about Kyzer walking to the game since it might increase his heart rate too much.  So I thought maybe his dad could give him his dose right before he left to come to the game and he could stay home by himself and not walk over to the game....but then I remembered he can't be alone for 2 hours after he doses.

Kyzer has to eat with his dose (preferably a carb-filled meal).  I thought about packing up his dose in a cooler with an ice pack (because the solution needs to stay cold) and give it to him while we were at the soccer evaluations, but then I didn't really have anything to pack him to eat...nothing easily portable.

I finally decided it would be easiest to wake him up, have him eat a bowl of cereal, give him his dose at 8:20 am, then make him come with me to his brother's activities so I could observe him for 2 hours.  (The reasons this wasn't my first thought was because (1)  He is not a morning person.  Getting up at 8:00 am is early for him.   (2)  Dosing at 8:20 is a whole hour earlier than when he usually doses, and we try to keep his doses right at 24 hours apart).

So really, it wasn't really ever a 'problem'.  It's just something we have to think about and figure out the best way to go about it.   Everything was fine and worked out.

On a little side note, he cut his long hair off today!   (He wanted his haircut.  He just doesn't like me taking his picture).



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